Saturday, August 31, 2019

Anomie Theory

Right off the bat when reading the article it states that it's the most widely read article in sociology. The author Robert K. Merton opens his paper by first challenging certain offenses that were popular in 1938. Most of the theories that Merton has analyzed mentioned â€Å"biological drives†. Some of the theorists view crime as â€Å"biological drives† in which our society comes to terms with restraining it. What I found interesting, Merton doesn't agree with other theorists, he, on the other hand, argues that a person or persons drive for crime is frequently shown to be stemmed from society itself. This is when his theory or argument splits into two parts. The article refers to his â€Å"anomie theory†. This hypothesis of his is looked to be explained why certain parts of societies have increased rates of criminal activity than let's say, the other half of the societies in which they appear to have decreased rates of criminal activity. Merton focuses on the relative emphasis placed on this set cultural goals society has placed as well as the institutionalized norms for achieving these goals of society. It is come to know some certain places in society have a high comparative prominence which is called cultural goals. Also, to have a low corresponding value of the norms or as well some gain the achievement of goals, which increases the rate of crimes. Merton characterizes these societies by using the terms anomie or normlessness, whereas it is explained from â€Å"the goal-seeking behavior†, Merton mentions. An individual is exposed to little commands or in other words law. This turns into a repercussion for persons employing the most beneficial values including that of criminal acts in order to achieve their once again prize. The â€Å"strain† theory Merton discusses in this half of the article argues that some person and persons within a society are being exposed to â€Å"special† pressures that of criminal actions. Merton mentions that while it is urged as well as expected that people strive for financial riches, people of the lower class are prevented from achieving this goal. This leads to individuals to have pressure, but even then they can adapt to the strain or so-called pressures of values. Continuing of Merton briefly discusses why some types of individuals are more likely to respond to strain with crime than others. Merton's strain theory has been the subject of extensive commentary and researches the evidence for his strain theory which is mixed. Certain recent tests of this theory seem to be at it's accurate as well as the anomie theory. The anomie theory proposes that criminal activity is most seen in those who place much emphasis on cultural goals and little on the norms for achieving the goals, meaning to be successful. Before going into the article I made a note that has caught my attention about the author itself. Albert K. Cohen was a student of Robert K. Merton. I just found this to be very intriguing because some of his points or theories have been taken into account in Cohen's articles. Cohen has a particular interest and focus of criminal societies. To narrow it down, Cohen focuses more on the lower-working-class urban gangs of 1950, during that time they were the subject of attention. Cohen in the article poses a question of: â€Å"How can we explain the origin and content of delinquent subcultures?† Since he was a student of Merton as I said before he draws some of Merton's theory to provide his own, collective answer to the question which is often outlined throughout the article. In the first part of his theory, that is being stated in the first section of the article. Cohen provides a well-explained origin of deviant social groups. The second section applies that the theory to explain the origin and contents of man it has to be specified by gender. Cohen focuses on working-class males and urban gangs. While I was reading the parts of the article, I have noted and made some comparisons and contrasts with Merton's strain theory. Similar to Merton, Cohen argues that â€Å"goal blockade† is what causes delinquency. Now Cohen, on the other hand, argues that lower and working class males don't concern themselves with the goal of cultural goals. Other than the obvious of not concerning themselves with achieving this success, they would rather concern themselves with the fulfillment of making it to the higher societal class. The achievement of broader goals referred to the respect from the higher-ups in the financial success aspect of cultural goals. This was noted by Cohen to be crucial because of the difference in goals. It is said in the article that an individual can obtain financial riches through illegal activities such as theft, this is one of Merton's adaptations of innovation. An individual can't steal the status of a higher class, which makes perfect sense since it could lead to a huge consequence, which Cohen discusses throughout the article. The consequence is that the lower and working class often have to evolve to the goal blockade by making an alternative plan. This is how someone, an individual would gain their true success. This is also noted to be very much alike to Merton's adaptations of criminal behavior, in which was explained that these new goals and methods are basically being replaced for the previous goals instead of the new. From reading onward I made the connection that both the lower and working class share hostility towards the middle-class persons. The hostility leads them to set up a status quo that values everything that the apparent middle class doesn't concern itself with. Based on these very theories it is explained that the middle class values private property and respect for an individual. Now, this caught my attention because it made me question his theory. It's suggesting that lower and working class boys don't value such things. Also, in the theory, it gives an example of what I was questioning. The example that was given was that while gangs of some sorts value the destruction and theft of any property probably more towards private property and leading more towards aggression towards others. Cohen then goes onto the explanatory origins and contents of the criminal social group. After getting towards the end of the article it states the definite features of his hypothesis. Theorists have come to the main claim that the goals of criminal persons are not disagreeable to an idea of standard goals as Cohen has explained throughout his theory. Even though there has been a criticism the data shows and tends to often prove and support this argument. All of this information that was given by this theorist Cohen brings a fundamental contribution to criminal law. Anomie Theory Anomie theory is important for explaining whether crime is a normal or abnormal (pathological) social phenomenon (Cartwright, 2011). It describes a lack of social norms, lawlessness and normlessness (Cartwright, 2013). In detail, it is a breakdown of social bonds between an individual and the community. This theory was first coined by Emile Durkheim, a French sociologist in his book Suicide published in 1897 (Cartwright, 2013). Later on, Robert Merton, the President of American Sociological Association, developed the link between anomie and social structure. Unlike Durkheim, Merton used the notion from Durkheim’s anomie theory and explains that social structure could exert pressure on an individual and directly cause deviance (Cartwright, 2011). This theory is better known as the Anomie-Strain Theory. Furthermore, in 1994, Steven Messner and Richard Rosenfeld, like Merton, brought more attention to social organization and social institutions instead of focusing on individuals when analysing crimes (Cartwright, 2011), so the Institutional-Anomie Theory was developed. In order to understand the anomie theory better, the developments of this theory from Emile Durkheim to Steven Messner and Richard Rosenfeld should all be considered. For Emile Durkheim, his main concern about anomie was social solidarity (Cartwright, 2011). Based on this concern, he divided solidarity into two categories: mechanical solidarity, which maintains low adaptation skills; and to the contrary, organic solidarity whose inertia sensitively needs changes (Cartwright, 2013). Durkheim observed that these two groups would co-exist. The reason is that anomie is impossible when solidarity is organic. Their sensitivity to change leads to evolution among this form of labour. Later in 1897, Durkheim pointed out that the suicide rates were due to the dramatic economic changes, such as economic depression and the sudden growth of the economy (Cartwright, 2011). â€Å"According to Durkheim, these periods of anomie –times of normlessness, lawlessness, and unregulated choice – made individuals more susceptible to committing suicide or engaging in deviant behaviour† (Cartwright, 2011, p. ). In this study, Durkheim associated anomie with the influence of a lack of the norms. In Durkheim’s study of anomie theory, two notions should not be neglected. Firstly, Emile Durkheim referred to society much like a functioning organism (Cartwright, 2011), evidence for the theory can be easily found in his referring to the society as â€Å"the social organism† or â€Å"the functions of the central or gan† (Cartwright, 2011, p. 6). In order to maintain the continuation of the organism, each of the integrated parts has to be working well. Secondly, Durkheim discussed crime as an â€Å"abnormal† activity, which indicates that a certain proportion of crimes are normal and happens in most societies, (Cartwright, 2011). f in the steps of Durkheim’s study, Robert Merton described more about the relationship between social structure and anomie theory, later known as the anomie-strain theory. The definition of the word â€Å"strain† in the verb form means to subject to tension or stress. This meaning is very similar to the strain theory. The theory indicates that the social structure of a society may pressure or force the citizens to commit crimes, due to the failure to provide many individuals’ with â€Å"the conventional means necessary to realize those culture goals†, which also means that the individual lacks access to cultural goals, such as money, job, or education (Merton, 1938). In Merton’s publication Social Structure and Anomie, he provides a good example that explains his theory. For example, in the USA, the society’s general goal is wealth; therefore, in order to achieve this certain goal, the institutionalized manner is to be hard-working or obtaining education (Merton, 1938). Based on this theory, Merton identifies five modes of adaptation, including conformity, innovation, ritualism, retreatism and rebellion (as cited in Cartwright, 2011, p. 21). According to Merton, innovators are most likely to engage in criminal behaviour, since they may accept the recognition of certain cultural goals but reject achieving the goals in a legitimate way (Merton, 1938). This illegitimacy adjustment as the major concern involves two features (Merton, 1938). Firstly, such antisocial behavior â€Å"by certain conventional values of the culture and by the class structure involving differential access to the approved opportunities for legitimate, prestige-bearing pursuit of the culture goal† (Merton, 1938, p. 27). Secondly, it is the consideration of equal significance. Because of the limitation of legitimate effort, for those individuals with formal education and few economic resources, success is hard to get (Merton, 1938). In addition, Merton declared that the theory he studied was incomplete, since various structural elements were neglected; for example, â€Å"the relevance of cultural conflict for an analysis of culture-goal and institutional-means malintegration† has not yet been examined, and â€Å"the social function performed by illicit responses† has also been omitted (Merton, 1938, p. 30). As for Steven Messner and Richard Rosenfeld (1995), their study, known as the institutional-anomie theory, focused more on how criminal behavior is affected institutionally, such as by schools, churchs or companies. Messner and Rosenfeld declared that criminology has overly focused on analyzing the behavior of individuals, such as mental illness, but paid less attention on how social organization and institutions influence the behaviour (Rosenfeld & Messner, 1995). Based on the comparison chart that Messner and Rosenfeld established in Crime and the American Dream: an Institutional Analysis, the statistic shows that the United States of America has the highest rates of robbery or homicide among a number of countries (Messner & Rosenfeld, 1995). The reason is due to â€Å"the crime causing nature of American-style capitalism and its unique cultural goals or aspiration† (Cartwright, 2011, p. 52). Messner and Rosenfield are also concerned about the normal functions of social institutions. The definition of â€Å"institutions† means â€Å"relatively stable sets of norms and values, statuses and roles, and groups and organizations† (Messner & Rosenfeld, 1995, p, 60). At this point, Messner and Rosenfeld introduced four major social institutions: political system or polity, economy, institution of family and institution of education (Messner & Rosenfeld, 1995). Even though these four institutions may not seem directly relevant to crime; however, according to Messner and Rosenfeld, in order to analyse the crime in the United States, the interconnection between these four institutions are central (Messner & Rosenfeld, 1995). In this study, Messner and Rosenfeld (1995) also talked about the institutional balance of power. Due to the monetary need of every cooperation and institution, the economy â€Å"has come to dominate the other three institutions† (Cartwright, 2011, p52). The devaluation of the economy has overcome the other three major institutions. At last, the dominance of the economy has developed to a very extreme level, and the monetary goals bring out the term â€Å"the ends justify the means† (Cartwright, 2011, p, 52). As the development of anomie theory, from Emile Durkheim to Robert Merton to Messner and Rosenfeld, is discussed, the elements that tie these together is that they all try to figure out the reasons that cause criminal behavior and examines as to why crime happens. This also counts as a similarity between the three anomie theories. In the article â€Å"Cheap Capitalism† written by Hongming Cheng, he characterized cheap capitalism by â€Å"low prices, inferior quality and unsafe condition of goods or services to maximize profits† (Cheng, 2012, p, 254). Cheng also pointed out that the cheap capitalism is â€Å"facilitated by cheap labour and raw materials and, more importantly, associated with degraded morality in the business world† (Cheng, 2012, p, 254). In my opinion, the article provides a good example of and explanation for crime in the non-capitalist countries, such as China. Cheng gives an example about food crime, which involves rampant institutions using cheap and dangerous industrial chemicals in foods (Cheng, 2012). One explanation will be that the food industries provides low-quality food to cheap labourers, since the poor working class cannot afford buying expensive but healthy food (Cheng, 2012). The case is related to the institutional-anomie theory studied by Messner and Rosenfeld (1995). One way to cause crime could be due to the social structure and social institutions. In the article, Cheng also provides a table of scales from 1 (not very important) to 4 (very important) that describes the factors that may lead to and influence the food crime. It turns out that social culture, moral and values got rated 3. 8 out of 4, followed by â€Å"lack of adequate enforcement† that got 3. 6 (Cheng, 2012). From this table, it shows that â€Å"moral anomie is a major factor that associated with food crime† (Cheng, 2012, p, 265). From my perspective, the institutional-anomie theory is connected to this case the most. In conclusion, the development of anomie theory, from Emile Durkheim to Messner and Rosenfeld, provides brilliant ideas and thoughts that explain crime thoroughly. The evidence that supports their theory is solid and valid. Based on this, it makes the theory complete and reasonable.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Shiva Nataraja

Hinduism is not one religion but many related beliefs and numerous factions. There are various deities but there are only three gods that are the most well-known. Shiva is one of the three most popular Hindu deities. He is usually depicted in small statues that show him performing the Cosmic Dance. The statues all impose unique movements, his anatomical features, and their functions that unite all of its qualities together. Shiva Nataraja has a stunning presentation and elaborate movements as he performs the Cosmic Dance. Shiva's dance has cosmic significance, as it symbolizes the creation, preservation, and destruction of the universe in an endlessly repeating cycle. He is depicted dancing with his left foot kicked in the air with his right foot is planted on top of a dwarf. Two of his arms are stretched out and two are pulled in close to his body. The way he is shown does indeed suggest this god is dancing. He is enclosed inside a circle of flames and in one of His upper right arms he holds a drum, the beating of which creates the universe, while on one of his upper left arms he holds a ball of flame that will eventually destroy it. n one of his right arms he carries a drum and in one of his left arms he carries a flame. His lower right hand displays the gesture of reassurance, while his lower left points to the ground as an indication of his power and strength. The Shiva Nataraja statues have many anatomical features and not very complicated material techniques. Shiva wears a short loincloth; a rib bon tied above his waist, and delicately tooled adornments. The scant clothing reveals his perfected form with its broad shoulders thinning to a limber waist. The jewelry is unemotional and the detail does not detract from the beauty of the body. He has his face rotated toward the onlooker, thus appearing like a king but still conscious of his compassionate role. Nearly all of the Shiva Nataraja statues are made out of bronze. The process to create these bronze statues is called lost-wax casting, and sometimes called by the French name of cire perdue. This is the process by which a brass or bronze sculpture is cast from an artist's sculpture. Other metals such as silver and gold are also ast. Intricate works can be achieved by this method, primarily depending on the carver's skills The significance of the Nataraja sculpture is that it is seen as the image of his rhythmic play which is the source of all movement within the universe, represented by the arch of flames. The purpose of the dance is to release men from illusion of the idea of the â€Å"self† and of the physical world. The cosmic dance was performed in Chidambaram in South India, called the center of the universe by some Hindus. The gestures of the dance represent Shiva's five activities, creation (symbolized by the drum), protection (by the â€Å"fear not† hand gesture), destruction (by the fire), embodiment (by the foot planted on the ground), and release (by the foot held aloft). As Nataraja, Shiva represents apocalypse and creation as he dances away the illusory world of Maya transforming it into power and enlightenment. The symbolism of Shiva Nataraja is religion, art and science merged as one. In God's endless dance of creation, preservation, destruction and paired graces is hidden a deep understanding of our universe. Nataraja, the King of Dance, has four arms. The upper right hand holds the drum from which creation issues forth. The lower right hand is raised in blessing, betokening preservation. The upper left hand holds a flame, which is destruction, the dissolution of form. The right leg, representing obscuring grace, stands upon Apasmarapurusha, a soul temporarily earth-bound by its own sloth, confusion and forgetfulness. The uplifted left leg is revealing grace, which releases the mature soul from bondage. The lower left hand gestures toward that holy foot in assurance that Siva's grace is the refuge for everyone, the way to liberation. The circle of fire represents the cosmos and especially consciousness. The all-devouring form looming above is Mahakala, â€Å"Great Time. † The cobra around Nataraja's waist is kundalini shakti, the soul-impelling cosmic power resident within all. Nataraja's dance is not just a symbol. It is taking place within each of us, at the atomic level, this very moment. The Agamas proclaim, â€Å"The birth of the world, its maintenance, its destruction, the soul's obscuration and liberation are the five acts of his dance. â€Å"

Thursday, August 29, 2019

A Personal Account of the Dream of Making the Deans List, the Fear of Failure, and the Support of My Parents

A Personal Account of the Dream of Making the Dean's List, the Fear of Failure, and the Support of My Parents Failing Well I always wanted to make the dean’s list and unfortunately I have been unable to do so which can be very frustrating when you try your very best and it isn’t good enough. I mean I try everything possible to get straight A’s and nothing seems to work. I have got a tutor for every class possible and it helps bring my grade up but not high enough to where I need it to be. I try multiple studying techniques all of which seem effective but I don’t really do too much better on my test. I do all extra credit assignments that are available but those tend to be only worth a few points so it doesn’t make much of a difference. Now under no circumstances am I saying that I am doing horrible in college, I am actually doing really well achieving A’s B’s. I learned that pluses and minuses make a big difference with grades and GPA so even though I got A’s and B’s those grades were too low in their percent tile for me to make the deanâ €™s list, I want to at least make it once before I graduate. I would always call home and tell my parents about my grades and how I felt and they responded two completely different ways but were both helpful in their own unique way of comforting me. When my mom would listen to me talk about my grades she would tell me how proud of me she was and that I tried my best and that I would get it next time. She never once let me talk bad about myself and she always encouraged me to try my best and that is more than enough when it comes to my grades. Now my dad did the same but he did it with more of a just try to not get lower than a C and he’s okay with it. He knew how hard I was working and pushing myself and he didn’t want me going overboard and stressing myself out more than I had to. Once I got to college is when he came to be very encouraging and always telling me he was proud of me which meant a lot and would calm me down when I would freak out about my grades. Both of my parents are very supportive and let me know that no matt er what happens they are always proud of me and that they always will be and that means more to me than they will ever know. My biggest fear was always failure itself, never being able to be good enough for anyone or anything. Now my dad is very supportive but when I was younger all he focused on was where I could improve. Nothing I ever did was good enough so I always felt like a failure because if I can’t even make my own family proud than how am I supposed to make others proud and show them that I am more than good enough. A lot of my childhood was spent trying to make my dad proud of me, my mom was very supportive and always there for me which I am forever grateful for but I crave the approval of him. I didn’t get that growing up so I always felt like a failure and like I would never be able to be successful because of the fact that I couldn’t even get the approval of my dad. My dad first time telling me he was proud of me was towards the end of my freshman year fall semester so about a year ago†¦I cried due to the fact that I had finally succeeded at what I wanted to for so long but I couldn’t figure out why it took so long for it to happen. He had this tough love mentality and just never gave encouraging words because he didn’t want us to get used to being complimented or getting rewarded for doing what we were supposed to do in the first place. Looking back on it, I understand where he was coming from but I don’t think his way of trying to make his point helped me at all. I honestly think it hurt me more than anything else because I just always felt like I was a failure. I will thank him though for being hard on me because it pushed me to work harder and never give up even when I wanted to. My mom helped me a lot when it came to not giving up and keeping me going and for that I thank her as well. I learned that you can’t succeed at everything as well as you can’t please everyone. You will fail at certain points of your life but I believe you fail at certain things because there is something better and more worthy of your time, energy, and focus. If you try your best and it doesn’t get you to where you want to be then that is okay, the fact that you tried your best should be more than enough and you can try a different approach next time. No one is 100% successful and no one is a 100% failure. Failures are lessons you learn from to figure out how to finally come to the solution you want and I think they are very much necessary believe it or not. If you never fail, you won’t understand the meaning of success nor will you appreciate it and then it won’t mean anything. At the time it might not seem like a good thing to fail but in the end it was part of an instruction to steer you in the right direction to success.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

US social security Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

US social security - Coursework Example As opposed to social security contributions, private savings are out of personal will while social security is usually out of a mandatory requirement prescribed under the law (Brux 214). Therefore, returns on social security contribution would have a constant rate of return as compared to private savings. The rates of return on either perspectives depend on the set rules for the social security contribution and the individual’s own rate of saving (Brux 214). Social security contribution and private savings have corresponding influence. Traditional savings theory points to the possibility of decline in private saving if compulsory public savings (social security) were increased. On the contrary, studies conducted by private companies show that the existence of pension benefits stimulate an urge to increase personal savings (Mixon, Franklin and Kamal 17). Most research establishes that the social security benefits discourage private saving among people. This is despite the fact that changing experience of retirement offset any decline experienced in savings. Empirical research shows that social security reduces private savings in the U.S. While the social security has both merits and demerits, its demerits have more impacts on private savings among U.S. adults compared to its merits. Social security caters for medical expenses, retirement benefits, and other social aspects requiring expenditures. In so doing, most people become reluctant in remitting substantial allocation for private saving. In reforming the social security policy, it is imperative to initiate obligations compelling people to remit income for personal

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Vehicle Pay-As-You-Go Insurance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 8250 words

Vehicle Pay-As-You-Go Insurance - Essay Example These may include efficiency, equity, safety and environmental protection. This essay describes and appraises the Pay As You Go system. I wish to deliver an excellent and understanding piece of report. After the completion of my Businesses Information Technology degree I wish to do future studies in Software Engineering. This would allow me to focus on software development and go beyond programming to include such things as eliciting customers' requirements, and designing and testing software. I would learn how to assess customer needs and develop usable software that meets those needs. I am keen on how companies market their product which could help me when I have to do this at work. I will put in all the knowledge and skills that I have learnt throughout the course of my studies to my project. I would also like to learn more about marketing and how this chosen system works. By the end of the project I am hoping to gain a good level of understanding of how the systems work and the reasons for such system. In order to write this report I researched into different materials, which included books, journals articles, various publications and web resources. I widely used the internet which was essential as the time was limited and plenty of information can be extracted from various websites. Certain web resources are not reliable but I managed to avoid them by choosing only those which were official or had references given with the data. This allowed for enough accuracy in order to write this article. Some books and journal articles were also available on the internet and they were looked into. The books and journals usually provide with accurate information and data that is helpful in writing an essay. Apart from these, there were case studies and research findings also that I read up and reviewed. Such resources are very reliable thus I made use of them. Background Car insurance premiums can take a bite out of your household budget. There are many tips available to reduce your car insurance costs but the fact remains you are required by law to carry a minimum amount of coverage if you own and drive a car. While most people are aware that car insurance providers offer discounts for people who travel fewer miles than their high mileage partners many people are not aware that some insurance provide

Monday, August 26, 2019

Magnetic Resonance Imaging Goes on the Road Essay

Magnetic Resonance Imaging Goes on the Road - Essay Example Pervious attempts at a portable design have met with limited success due to the sensitivity of the technology that is required. NMR technology works on the principle of identifying an atom's structure by measuring its resonance. As spinning nuclei in the atom are subjected to an intense magnetic field, they will line up with the lines of magnetism either opposing them or matching them. As another oscillating magnet is induced into the field, the nuclei begin to reverse the direction of their spin. When the spin reverses, energy is released as the nuclei go from a higher state to a lower state or vice versa. A coil can pick up this energy as electricity in the same way a magnet can induce an electric current through an electrical wire in a generator. The researcher is not looking only for electric current. The key to NMR is finding the frequency of the externally oscillating field where the nuclei give off the most energy. This is known as the frequency of resonance. By monitoring the electrical output over a range of frequencies, scientists look for the frequency where the output spikes. This is unique for every different element and by measuring this frequency, the element can be identified. By evaluating the mix of elements and their relative quantities, complex molecules can be identified. The article notes that while previous portabl

Can Islamic Finance Ever Become A Mainstream Product In UK Essay

Can Islamic Finance Ever Become A Mainstream Product In UK - Essay Example Introduction: The emergence of the capitalist system that focuses on the acquisition of individual profits has been long supported as the best economic policy for most countries to follow, because market forces tend to balance out economies in the long run. The banking system in the UK also functions under the capitalist model, wherein acquisition of profits is an integral part of the system and â€Å"greed† or the â€Å"unbridled pursuit of wealth† has become the popular slogan for individuals and corporations (Ayub,2007, p. 31). The motivation towards profit is the cornerstone of the UK banking system. The recent financial crisis and corporate scandals such as Enron have however, dispelled the deregulation which existed previously and given rise to stricter financial regulation of money markets (Von Hagen and Ho, 2007). Deregulation of the banking system has been blamed for the speculative activities of the stock markets and the unrestricted use and issue of credit, w hich led to the financial crisis (Money morning, 2009). In the current financial environment, the Islamic banking model offers a completely different approach to banking and lending, because it is not based upon the profit motivation that characterizes UK banks. The Islamic banking system is based upon sharia law, wherein the charging of interest on loans to gain profit is forbidden and is considered to be contravene the religious tenets of Islam. The question that arises in this context therefore, is: Can the Islamic banking system offer a viable financial choice in the U.K.? Since Islamic banks do not charge interest and thereby provide an opportunity for consumers to borrow loans without large additional amounts being charged as interest, would this be a more ethical and equitable form of banking? The research question that is to be examined in this work is: Can Islamic Finance ever become a mainstream product in the U.K.? Banking system in the U.K. In the U.K., the banking syste m is dominated by four large banking conglomerates, Royal Bank of Scotland, HBOS, Barclays, and HSBC. The financial crisis of 2007 also affected the regulatory system in the UK, producing a tightening up of banking operations (Gola and Roselli, 2009). In March of 2009, the Financial Services Authority in the UK put forward proposals which were geared towards the overhaul of the banking system and its governing rules, especially in regulating lending criteria and clamping down on the unrestricted use of credit, in order to prevent a recurrence of the financial crisis (BBC News, 2009). For many consumers, the high interest rates on bank loans and credit cards are a significant drawback leading to losses, which are especially difficult in the current recessionary environment. The application of Islamic law could therefore potentially lead to the evolution of a â€Å"balanced, sustainable and equitable economic order†, because it can help to provide a balance between social and e conomic principles, as the Islamic system is based upon principles of morality, i.e, Islamic law does not allow collection of interest in banking, for example (Ayub, 49). Islamic banking The shariah or Islamic law is the dominant underlying principle in all Islamic financial transactions, because Shariah compliance is the raison d’etre of the Islamic financial system.(Ayub, 43). Three salient Shariah principles influence the banking industry, i.e, riba, gharar and gambling.This risk sharing model is the

Sunday, August 25, 2019

PR Activity & Promotional Assessment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

PR Activity & Promotional Assessment - Essay Example Marketing guru Philip Kotler also has developed several pages in his bestseller "Marketing Management" to the centrality of customer in affecting brand-building/ PR exercise. Thus, any definition of PR has to come from a customer point-of-view itself. No major organisation of today, can survive without at least a few members of their team, dedicated to launching PR initiatives in order to give the organisation, a certain recognition in the area where it wants its influence to spread, or to be maintained. The purpose and scope of PR can be applied to a multitude of organisations; Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, gives an all-inclusive list in this way (webpage on PR): 3. NGO's such as schools, hospitals, orphanages, etc. use PR as a means to draw awareness to their cause, and appeal to the heartstrings of charitable people in order to establish funds. 4. Politicians use PR exercises, in order to extract votes, or to push new measures. President Bush once came under criticism for spending nearly $2.2 million on his campaign to overhaul US social security (Common Dreams News Centre). In order to grasp the finer elements of PR's nature, it is useful to corroborate information from a PR consultant itself. Sunday Odedele, Managing Director of a Lagos-based PR agency, looks at his profession from the angle of "philosophy" (webpage). Odedele reasons that PR is "human-centric", since the process of maintaining a brand-conscious image stems from the basic human approach to transmit social signals by means of communication, he explores the nature of the PR exercise from the vantage point of core philosophy. Enumerating basic human needs as "survival, health, freedom, fellowship, self respect, knowledge, fulfilment, and happiness", he unconditionally mentions that these needs must be fully-accounted for in any endeavour of a PR initiative, because ignoring them would

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Achieving Professionalism -Main theatre Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Achieving Professionalism -Main theatre - Essay Example It has been found that the styles that the leaders incorporate in running the operations and activities of an organization immensely contribute to the success of the firm. It is the responsibility of the managers and directors to ensure that the strategies of leadership that they use in their organizations are effective and efficient. Having visited Johns Hopkins Hospital and evaluated the operations and activities in the hospital, I realized that there are various effects of the leadership strategies that are used to the success of the organization. Being an international hospital, Johns Hopkins Hospital offers various medical services to the clients, and its success is influenced by the managerial and leadership approaches that are integrated in the organization. I liked the leadership approaches that are used in Johns Hopkins Hospital because they positively influence every worker in the organization. The employees are considered to be part of the hospital, in the sense that they are consulted in decision-making. The management values teamwork and this positively impacts to the performance of the organization. Patients are offered quality treatment and services because the nurses and medical practitioners in the organization are trained on various skills of handling clients. The management of the organization understands the need of integrating different leadership styles depending on the department and issue to be addressed. For instance, the employees adhere and follow the company’s code of ethics and codes of conducts, and this helps them in meeting the needs of the employees effectively. Strong leadership that is observed in the organization is achieved because the nurse leaders ensure that every employee offers the highest level of care. The management encourages employees to work closely and take the needs of the patients ahead of their personal issues. The leaders mentor the other nurses and medical professionals in the organization.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Personality or behavior - Organizational Behavior HRM Case Study

Personality or behavior - Organizational Behavior HRM - Case Study Example The concept of personality has a broad definition from a psychological perspective. Nonetheless, the most reasonable definition asserts that personality is the personal characteristics that result in a consistent pattern of behavior, thoughts, and emotions (Ajzen, 2005; Stuart-Kotze, 2006). Specifically, personality is an arguably permanent aspect of an individual influenced by culture, family, life experiences, group membership, and beliefs. Consequently, personality is consistent, impacts behaviors and action, and expresses multiple concepts such as thoughts and feelings.On the other hand, a behavior is the action resulting from our values and beliefs. From a psychological viewpoint, a behavior is a response to external and internal stimuli that produce externally visible outcomes influenced by experience and a change in attitude. Therefore, personal behavior is flexible as affected by organizational culture and ethical beliefs supported by a company (Ajzen, 2005). Consequently, th e difference between behavior and personality is that the latter is rigid and permanent while the former is flexible and changeable to fit in a particular culture. Specifically, this is because changing the substance of personality such as attitudes, principles, philosophies, and ambitions is difficult (Stuart-Kotze, 2006).The Big Five personality model is a combination of broad domains of personality Specifically, this model is essential as it aids in understanding different trait in personality without overlapping.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Investment theory Essay Example for Free

Investment theory Essay The efficient market hypothesis (EMH) is an investment theory that states it is impossible to beat the market because stock market efficiency causes existing share prices to always incorporate and reflect all relevant information. According to this theory, the stock always trade at their fair value on stock exchanges. This makes it impossible for investors to either purchase undervalued stocks or sell stocks for inflated prices. EMH provides that it should be impossible to outperform the overall market through expert stock selection or market timing. The only way an investor can possibly obtain higher returns is through purchasing riskier investments (Answer. com, 2006). Using the EMH theory, this research study will examine the efficiency of the United Kingdom (UK) stock market indices by providing an internal performance comparison between FTSE 250 and FTSE AIM. A total of two hundred (200) companies will be used for the analysis, with one hundred (100) companies from each index, on the basis of trading value from all sectors, using Datastream platform. Two inputs (total sales and EBIT), and two outputs (total capital employed and total assets) will be used to analyse the data from each company. Literature Review Although EMH is deemed the cornerstone of modern financial theory, it has also been highly controversial and much disputed. Critics say it is pointless to search for undervalued stocks or to try to predict trends in the market through either fundamental or technical analysis. A review of related literature however will show that a large body of evidence show support of EMH. While academics point to a large body of evidence in support of EMH, an equal amount of dissension also exists. For example, investors such as Warren Buffett have consistently beaten the market over long periods of time, which by definition is an impossibility according to the EMH. Detractors of the EMH also point to events such as the 1987 stock market crash (when the DJIA fell by over 20% in a single day) as evidence that stock prices can seriously deviate from their fair values. (Answers. com) In finance, the efficient market hypothesis (EMH) asserts that financial markets are efficient, or that prices on traded assets, e. g. stocks, bonds, or property, already reflect all known information and therefore are unbiased in the sense that they reflect the collective beliefs of all investors about future prospects. The efficient market hypothesis implies that it is not possible to consistently outperform the market — appropriately adjusted for risk — by using any information that the market already knows, except through luck or obtaining and trading on inside information. Information or news in the EMH is defined as anything that may affect stock prices that is unknowable in the present and thus appears randomly in the future. This random information will be the cause of future stock price changes.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Macbeth Essay Essay Example for Free

Macbeth Essay Essay Shakespeare uses ghosts and witches into many of his plays and work. But in no other play did he make them so horrible and demon like as he did the witches in Macbeth. The way in which they were described, made Macbeth a popular play. Superstition is a very shrewd belief in the supernatural. Supernatural is an attribute to some force beyond scientific understanding or the laws of nature. When it is referred to as the supernatural, then it means supernatural appearances or events. Both of the two terms that I have just explained, superstition and supernatural, are present a lot of the time during the play Macbeth, and many of the supernatural events which occur during the play tend to lead into other happenings. The witches are actually an important part of the play and the supernatural, because they start the play along with the supernatural. At the beginning of the play, Shakespeare sets the scene for the witches by using thunder and lightening and naming location of the scene A Desolate Place. Upon the heath and there to meet Macbeth The witches announce that they will meet with Macbeth upon a heath. They then disappear into filthy air as mysteriously as they arrived. Later in the play, Banquo refers to the witches exit as the earth hath bubbles, as the water has, and these are of them what he means by this is that the witches can disappear in the same way as bubbles do. In the first scene the supernatural theme is present due to the witches being there. They speak of Macbeth and involve him in supernatural matters, and we can tell that they influence him, and this also blooms as the play develops. The words that the witches use are also of a supernatural nature. Some link together sometimes in a chant like way, such as Fair is foul, and foul is fair, and this sounds rather unpleasant and evil. We can also blame them for some of the things that happen later on in the play which are involved in the downfall of Macbeth. Later in the play Macbeth is found echoing some of the phrases that the witches have used. This occurs just before the witches give their predictions to Macbeth and Banquo. This could be coincidence, but could also be because they have influenced him. Therefore, they could have influenced him in what to do, and what he does is evil. This is a good example of how the supernatural leads to his downfall. The main turning point in the play is when Macbeth meets with the witches when he is with Banquo and when the predictions are made. Macbeth is told that he shall be the thane of Glamis, then the than of Cawdor and shall then go on to be King. We can tell that he is interested as the first thing that he says after these predictions have been made is Stay, you imperfect speakers. Tell me more, which is meant to make Banquo and the audience to think that he does not believe them, but tells the witches to carry on as he is curious as to what they have to say, but they vanish and we know that he has taken them seriously as he desperate for them to come back. Banquo has a different view and says The instruments tell us truths; win us with honest trifles, to betray in deepest consequence. What Banquo means by this is that the witches may have only told them their possible future so that they act on what they have been told. By saying this, Banquo is implying that the witches have evil intentions. Banquo advises Macbeth to steer clear o the witches and what they have said, but he ignores him as he is greedy and over ambitious. This is where we know that the supernatural has influenced Macbeth and has begun to change him. At the time of the predictions Macbeth was already Thane of Glamis, and was shortly made the Thane of cawdor. This made him believe that the predictions were true. Macbeth believed that if the first two predictions were correct, the third prediction would also be correct. Lady Macbeth also helped Macbeth become a victim of his own destiny. She was behind him during the murder of King Duncan and was the reason for Macbeth doing it because she continued to assure that all would turn out in their favour. She also made him feel guilty and like a wimp by saying Art thou afeard and live a coward in thane own esteem. This is quite an important thing as she is questioning his masculinity. Macbeth is at this time known as a warrior, and when he is faced with this comment he is going to try and prove it wrong. She can also be found using witchcraft when she asks the spirits to change her into a fearless, ruthless human being making her able to help Macbeth in killing Duncan. She says Unsex me here and Come you spirits which shows that she would be able to influence what Macbeth does, like the witches can. As the play continues we can see that they grow apart and Macbeth decides to make more important decisions on his own and does not include her. As I have already said, the witches build up a large part of the supernatural in the play, but other elements add to this, so we can not put it all down to the witches. Although they were responsible for directing Macbeth in the killing, and the hallucinations may have encouraged him, a character who was close to him was also involved, Lady Macbeth. However, when Macbeth murdered Banquo, and Macduffs family, they were his own decisions. I think that he went solo because all of the predictions had been achieved, and now the supernatural has abandoned him. Before he could have blamed it on the supernatural but when he took matters into his own hands he was to blame. Macbeth starts to arouse suspicion as soon as he starts making decisions for himself and so, this is why he ends up dead because Banquo suspects him. You could say that all of the deaths in Macbeth were caused by the supernatural, because the witches had quite a lot to do with Macbeth, and the Murder of Duncan was directed by witchcraft. Macbeth was provoked by the witches and pressurised by his wife, who we know used witchcraft at some time during the play, and did carry out the actions herself, but we could say that it is not his fault. However, the witches may have just been making suggestions and so; Macbeth never had to follow them. After this of course, the murders are down to one man, Macbeth. I think that the supernatural does indeed lead to Macbeths downfall, but really, he is to blame, and becomes a monster. I think that the main reason is his own ambition.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Study On Self Reflection Business Essay

Study On Self Reflection Business Essay This chapter deals with the researchers experience during the dissertation. Reflection is important for the self development of an individual. Refection plays a major role in developing as it helps in learning from experience. Reflection helps in reviewing the work constantly from the learning and the experiences. Moon (2004, p.82) defines reflection as â€Å"Reflection is a form of mental processing- like a form of thinking that we may use to fulfil a purpose or to achieve some anticipated outcome or we may simply â€Å"be reflective† and then an outcome can be unexpected†. Reflection can also be related to problems which does not have any possible solution which are based on the knowledge and the understanding that we already have. 6.2 Kolbs reflective learning theory: A model for an experimental learning was developed by Kolb (1984b) called as Kolbs learning cycle. This model is very useful in understanding and it helps in developing reflective learning. Kolb says that learning can be of two ways one is â€Å"abstract- concrete† and â€Å"active-reflective†. There are four stages in a cyclic manner in the Kolb cycle. They are â€Å"abstract conceptualization†, â€Å"active experimentation†, â€Å"concrete experience† and â€Å"reflective observation†. This is shown in the diagram below Entry into one of the four stages can be made at anytime and the model helps in developing when all the stages are fallowed in a sequence manner to learn effectively. Experience alone does not account in the Kolbs learning cycle but it is highly essential how the reflection is made from the experience to form generalizations. These generalisations help to formulate new concepts that will be very useful a concept in a new situation. The theory can be related to the action by proper planning and acting out and reflecting on it and then relating back to the theory. This completes the cyclic process. The cyclic begins when the individual relates the experience which he has gained and relates to other things, and this experience forms the starting point for reflective observation. 6.3 Learning achievement from research: The researcher did his undergraduate in India where the teaching system is completely different. Initially the researcher faced lots of problem with the teaching system and the examination system at Liverpool John Moores University. The assignment system are new in the Liverpool John Moores University. Initially faced many problems while doing the assignments because it was new to do this sort of assignments. The experience which is gained by submitting assignments from the first and second semester has helped in improving the writing skills and thus the experiences which are gained while submitting the assignments helped in writing the dissertation. The research methods module which attended for almost three months in the second semester has helped in getting a clear knowledge about how to do proceed with the dissertation. It helped in knowing the concept of the research, how to do research, what are the different ways in conducting the research, how to frame the questionnaire, how to collect the data. The methodology module helped in gaining a theoretical idea about how the dissertation can be done in different ways. But when it comes to practical it was different and faced problem with the questionnaire and the tutor has helped in correcting the questionnaire. Time management is very important because things which are not done on time will be waste. While doing dissertation the researcher learned how to use time effectively and how to plan the things in the given period of time. Communication plays a main role in order to be a successful in professional life. Communication skills has been increased when it comes speaking English fluently. Without proper communication it is difficult to convey the message clearly. Group work and regularly meeting with tutor has helped in increasing communication skills. Group work has taught so many things especially confidence and motivation. While interacting with colleagues when doing group work and pointing out the mistakes and appreciating the best work has increased lot of confidence. The topic of analysing the performance appraisal of employee at KFC has been chosen because of the interest in Human Resource Management. The idea to do research on this topic came in second semester while attending human resource management classes as one of core modules in the second semester. The human resource management module helped in critically think and evaluating the issues surrounding on this topic. Because of the experience gained while working in this organisation it helped in understanding that the issues the employees faces when it comes to the performance appraisal. This is an attempt to look at one of the problems which the employee faces when it comes to performance appraisal. The process of research began with the literature review. Literature review is very helpful and it is beneficial to the researcher as it helped to identify the possible causes and issue pertaining to the performance appraisal of employee in the organisation. The researcher work is to identify the most and the least significant factors for this study. From the literature review the researcher came to know that from a proper training the performance of the employee can be increased While doing the dissertation the researcher faced many problems. Dr. Karim Menacere helped in clearing all the doubts patiently and advised how to write the dissertation. With the good guidance from tutor the researcher gained knowledge on how to write the dissertation. Continuously meeting with the tutor helped in improving the communication skills. Effective communication played a key role in completing the dissertation. 6.4 Reflection on MBA: The modules in the first and the second semester helped in gaining the knowledge on the subject. By doing the group assignments in the first semester with the colleagues who are from different cultural, social background helped in critically thinking on the topic. When it comes to second semester while reflecting from the experience gained from the first semester, the researcher writing skills and critical thinking has improved a lot. 6.5 Conclusion: In depth has been gained on the subject of the performance appraisal while doing research. How the employee perception towards the feedback, pay and training process will alter the effectiveness of the performance appraisal in the organisation. Communication skills which are developed while interacting with professors, colleagues and friends will help in career. Referring to many text book and journals had helped in critical thinking on the performance appraisal and helped to develop an in depth knowledge on the subject and the analytical skill which were developed during the research will help in the future professional life. This theoretical and practical knowledge will help the researcher in the future.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Homer His Life And His Works :: essays research papers

Homer: His Life and His Works Greeks had used writing since c. 1400 BC, but it was not until the late 8th century BC that their literature was first written down. Greek literature began in Ionia with the brilliant epics of Homer, the Iliad and the Odyssey. These mature products of a long tradition of oral poetry brought together a vast body of divine and heroic myths and sagas that served as a foundation for much subsequent Greek literature. The epic view of humankind had a lasting influence on Greek thought; indeed, it has been said that later Greek literature is but a series of footnotes to Homer. Homer is said to have been blind and told his stories orally. Because the facts of Homer’s life when he was born or died, where he lived, who he was- remain unknown and shall most likely never be known. Many scholars have doubted the existence of a â€Å"Homer† and point to his texts as the work of a collection of authors over a long period of time. This criticism stems from a disbelief that epics such as The Iliad and The Odyssey could have been formulated, maintained, and transmitted within an oral culture. However, new research on human memory and careful analysis of text reveals evidence that the textual style of each poem does emanate from one author. We know that he wrote two poems about the Greeks and their gods. The Iliad was Homer’s first epic poem, which tells the story of the Trojan War. His second epic is the Odyssey, which tells the story of a great hero Odysseus, and the adventures he embarks on. Tradition has it that he lived in the 12th century BC, around the time of the Trojan War, in an Ionic settlement, either Chios or Smyrna, where he made his living as a court singer and storyteller. Modern archaeological research has uncovered artifacts similar to those described in the poems, providing evidence that Homer wrote at a later date. Because the poems display a considerable knowledge of Eastern, or Ionian, Greece and are written in the dialect of that region, most scholars now suppose that Homer was Ionian of the 8th or 9th century BC. Homer writes nothing of himself in his poems, but similes in the Iliad and the Odyssey frequently make reference to the humble lives of farmers and artisans, so it is sometimes conjectured that Homer was of this class.

Quote Analysis from Shakespeares Hamlet :: essays research papers

Hamlet, a play written by the prominent writer, Shakespeare, is about a Danish prince whose father was murdered by his uncle who then married his mother. The story follows Hamlet for a time period of a few months while he decides how to deal with the situation of his uncle and mother. An important rising conflict is Hamlet?s soliloquy during act III scene I, where he finally realizes the significance of his actions towards his uncle, Claudius. Fortinbras? prompt rebuttal against Denmark for his father?s murder intrigued Hamlet and made him examine the emphasis needed to be placed on the death of his own father. Throughout the soliloquy, Hamlet mentions many thoughts surrounding this dilemma and shows a deeper, more will-powered side of himself. ?To be or not to be- that is the question, although this quote is only a mere ten words, its value is innumerable. Hamlet is contemplating life and death, not only for himself, but also for Claudius. He is considering committing suicide with all the pressures placed on him by his father?s ghost and his conscience knowing the truth regarding his predecessor?s murder. Hamlet is questioning whether or not it is better to live everyday waking up and seeing his step-father who had once been known solely as his uncle, and acknowledging the crime committed. Or is it more beneficial to simply to concede defeat and kill himself, relinquishing himself from performing the very deadly sin he condemns Claudius for doing. Hamlet then moves on to discuss death and metaphorically relates it to an endless sleep that ends all heartache. The thought of eternally sleeping seemed appealing for him, but then he continues to analyze it, and determines there must be a reason people live miserable lives. Simply put, humanity is afraid of death, but if it is merely a long nap, what is there to fear? Therefore, Hamlet decides that the dreams experienced after death is worse than those wretched lives. This thought may have given him new look on life, or he could have just possibly realized that he was the only person left to defend his father?s honor, but later in the story, Hamlet has a sudden change of heart and resolves that he will kill Claudius no matter the obstacles in his path. Quote Analysis from Shakespeare's Hamlet :: essays research papers Hamlet, a play written by the prominent writer, Shakespeare, is about a Danish prince whose father was murdered by his uncle who then married his mother. The story follows Hamlet for a time period of a few months while he decides how to deal with the situation of his uncle and mother. An important rising conflict is Hamlet?s soliloquy during act III scene I, where he finally realizes the significance of his actions towards his uncle, Claudius. Fortinbras? prompt rebuttal against Denmark for his father?s murder intrigued Hamlet and made him examine the emphasis needed to be placed on the death of his own father. Throughout the soliloquy, Hamlet mentions many thoughts surrounding this dilemma and shows a deeper, more will-powered side of himself. ?To be or not to be- that is the question, although this quote is only a mere ten words, its value is innumerable. Hamlet is contemplating life and death, not only for himself, but also for Claudius. He is considering committing suicide with all the pressures placed on him by his father?s ghost and his conscience knowing the truth regarding his predecessor?s murder. Hamlet is questioning whether or not it is better to live everyday waking up and seeing his step-father who had once been known solely as his uncle, and acknowledging the crime committed. Or is it more beneficial to simply to concede defeat and kill himself, relinquishing himself from performing the very deadly sin he condemns Claudius for doing. Hamlet then moves on to discuss death and metaphorically relates it to an endless sleep that ends all heartache. The thought of eternally sleeping seemed appealing for him, but then he continues to analyze it, and determines there must be a reason people live miserable lives. Simply put, humanity is afraid of death, but if it is merely a long nap, what is there to fear? Therefore, Hamlet decides that the dreams experienced after death is worse than those wretched lives. This thought may have given him new look on life, or he could have just possibly realized that he was the only person left to defend his father?s honor, but later in the story, Hamlet has a sudden change of heart and resolves that he will kill Claudius no matter the obstacles in his path.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Heart Of Darkness :: essays research papers

The infinite battle between good and evil can destroy, refine, or rebuild the human soul by means of choice. However, good is stronger than evil and someday, the power of good will dominate. In the novel Heart of Darkness, Conrad illustrates pure evil and its capability to consume one’s soul. The title Heart of Darkness symbolizes the true evil in man, the improper use of knowledge and the downfall of civilization. “I’ve seen the devil of violence, and the devil of greed, and the devil of hot desire; but by all stars! These were strong, lusty, red-eyed devils, that swayed and drove men—men, I tell you.'; (Conrad, 81). Violence, greed and passionate desires are elements that help unleash the evil that lurks in man, which symbolizes the Heart of Darkness. The character change of Kurtz is an example of this evil. Kurtz is first describe as “a very remarkable person'; by the accountant. "Mr. Kurtz was at present in charge of a trading post, a very important one, in the ivory-country,… Sends in as much ivory as all the others put together." (Conrad, 84) However, when Kurtz experience power, greed overcomes him and he uses his intelligence and violence to accomplish his passionate desire. “ He is an emissary of pity and science and progress; and devil knows what else.'; (Conrad, 92). It is believed that there is evil in everyone and it can be triggered by mere stupidity of man. The evil in Kurtz is unleashed because he choose his deep desires for ivory and did not look ahead in the future of what will become of him. Consequently, his soul is consumed for eternal damnation. "The improper use of knowledge is another example that symbolizes the Heart of Darkness. One of Kurtz’s advantages is his deep voice and his ability to speak. That man could talk. He electrified large meetings. He had faith-don’t you see? –he had the faith. He could get himself to believe anything-anything. He would have been a splendid leader of an extreme party." (Conrad, 151) Kurtz used his knowledge about the weather and his power of speech to manipulate the natives into believing that he was a god. "He was not afraid of the natives; they would not stir till Mr. Kurtz gave the word. His ascendancy was extraordinary. The camps of these people surrounded the place, and the chiefs came everyday and they would crawl… ‘I don’t want to know anything of the ceremonies used when approaching Mr.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

American and Iranian educational system Essay

In some counties, like Iran, one of the problems is that most of the immigrants prefer to live in the USA because of the educational system. In Iran, principals of the schools do not pay much attention to the way lessons are thought to the students; however, one of the places that care most about the educational system is the USA. In the United States, all students have the same opportunity of gaining their goals. By knowing the differences between the educational system between the USA and Iran, principals can develop the educational system better than before. Consequently, by having a better educational system, student’s knowledge will be improved. The educational structure in Iran differs from the USA in hardness of materials in high schools, opportunity for studying, atmosphere and facilities. The first difference between the educational system of Iran and the USA is that in Iran science materials in the high schools include university courses of the USA. Therefore, there are a lot for students to cover in high schools, and the courses are also too hard. So students in Iran study more prior to the university than their peers in the USA. Moreover, there is a university entrance exam in Iran that takes place each year in the summer, which includes all material of four years of high school. If students pass this test, they can attend to the university; otherwise, they should study one more year to retake the exam. Likewise, TASP is one of tests that all students should take, which takes place in some states in America; however, failing in any parts of these exams does not prevent students from entering universities in the year that they have planned to. . Additionally, in America, study materials in high schools cannot be compared to those of universities. Because from high school to university the courses become hard suddenly compared to the easy ones in the high schools. As a result, if students migrate from Iran to the USA, they will find most of the university courses easy because of having a strong educational back ground from their countries. In addition to complication of materials, another educational system variation between Iran and United States is the opportunity for people in all conditions to study. Most of students who have defects are ashamed of studying next to the other students in Iran. Besides, in Iran if disabled  students decide to continue studying in the universities, there are no efficient facilities as well as capable teachers for them. On the other hand, in the USA, schools pay equal attention to all normal and disabled students. For instance, the USA universities have specified computers, scanners, and testing centers for disabled students. They are also some people who can become their private tutors in case of demands. Furthermore, many people as well as the ones who are above thirty years old study in the American universities, but in Iran classroom colleagues have all same ages. Besides hardness of materials and study conditions, another contrast is atmosphere of the classes in Iran and the USA. In Iran, students can neither eat nor speak with each other in the class hours because it distracts others concentrations from teacher’s speech. On the other hand, in the United States, students can eat whenever they feel hungry in the class, which makes an informal atmosphere. They can also sit anyway that makes them more comfortable including a sleeping position. Then again, in the formal atmosphere of the classes in Iran, students have to have the instructor’s permission to get out of the class. In addition, the benefit of a formal atmosphere in class is that by paying more attention to their teacher, students can learn better. While not concentrating fully on to the teacher’s speech, has a negative effect on the educational level. Furthermore, the last important difference between educational system in Iran and the USA is having several kinds of facilities in their schools. Iran is one of the countries that dose not have too many facilities for the students. Therefore, if students did not read the chapter that their teacher want to teach before the class, they may confront difficulty in understanding it. Nevertheless, in spite of having less facility in the schools in Iran, students improve their learning level by registering in private or semiprivate classes. On the other hand, students in the USA have all kind of facilities in their schools, which are free for them. In the United States, student can access to various types of learning methods easily. As an example, by reading different books, having tutors, and watching films about that specific subject in their schools, they can improve their learning level. In summary, Educational system in Iran differs from the USA in hardness of material in high schools, condition of studying, atmosphere and tools of studying. Students can combine the positive methods of both Iran and the USA for improving their educational system. Additionally, having a break in the middle of a formal atmospheric class is an alternative way of recapturing students’ attention when they feeling tired distracts their attention.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Autopsy of a Crime Scene Essay

1.Which technique is the best choice when blood is found at a crime scene? In the genetics laboratory (under â€Å"resources† at the bottom of the window), who is one individual that contributed to modern genetic analysis? What did this person contribute? I would say that analyzing the blood in a lab would be the best technique. Alec Jeffreys is known as the father of genetic profiling. He invented what is now an essential technique, especially in forensic science, called a polymerase chain reaction, or PCR. 2.How are computers used in fingerprint analysis? Experts examine tiny fingerprint details known as minutiae. These may be loops, dots, forks, islands, etc. Several comparison points must be perfectly matched for two fingerprints to be considered identical. 3.Who is a pioneer in fingerprint analysis? Describe a famous case that this person was involved in. Edward Foster studied fingerprint analysis in the US and introduced it to Canada. IN1911, Foster testified as a fingerprint expert in the Jennings case. Fingerprints in the wet paint next to Mr. Hiller, the murder victim, were the only clue. Foster demonstrated to the court that the prints of Thomas Jennings, who had been arrested as he was fleeing the scene, matched those left in the paint, and Jennings was convicted. 4.What is the role of the forensic chemist in crime scene investigation? These experts analyze all chemical, organic, and inorganic aspects of a sample. They separate the components and identify them using a variety of tests and devices. Their findings are used as evidence by the investigator and in court. 5.Who helped pioneer forensic chemistry? Describe one of her famous cases. France McGill became a pathologist and teacher is Saskatchewan. When Dr. McGill examined the stomachs of an elderly couple who had died on Christmas Day, she found a large quantity of strychnine, a powerful poison, along with the bran. The murder weapon was soon identified: the two of the victims had eaten bran muffins baked by their granddaughter. She had actually intended them for her father. She was charged with murder, but later acquitted. 6.In the ballistics laboratory, what is the water tank used for? Describe the analysis. To determine whether a bullet found at the crime scene actually came from the suspects weapon, it must be compared with  another bullet from the same gun. Ballistics experts fire it into a special water tank that slows and stops the bullet so that they can collect it intact. 7.Who helped pioneer ballistics analysis? What did he contribute? Wilfrid Derome was a multitalented Quebec doctor: a medico-legal expert, toxicologist, forensic photographer, medical examiner and scientific communicator. He founded the Laboratoire de recherchà © medico-legales de Montreal, the first laboratory in North America and only the third in the world. His motto: â€Å"Never allege anything you can’t prove.† 8.Why is measuring and diagramming the scene important? A police officer makes a sketch of the scene, measuring distances using measuring tapes and a laser meter. He notes the specific location of objects, Clues, and the body. The photos of this sketch will later be used to draw an accurate plan of the site on the computer. 9.What materials or tools would a crime scene technician use? A crime scene technician would use a camera to photograph the scene, a polilight to find clues that a rent visible to the naked eye, he would make diagrams and take measurements, they would use a magna brush and some type of colored powder to make any fingerprints more visible, and anything to properly take samples with. 10.From the activity and the information it had, what aspect of an investigation do you think you’d most like to work in? For example, would you prefer one of the laboratories? What appeals to you about this particular aspect of the investigation? I think I would like to work in a lab doing ballistics examination because I like to do a lot of puzzles and I believe that in some aspects it is like a big puzzle trying to figure out which gun fired the bullets at the scene.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Four Approaches to Information Technology Infrastructure Investment

FOUR APPROACHES TO INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY INFRASTRUCTURE INVESTMENT Presented by: Kemeasoudei Fanama (u0856287) WHAT IS INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY? Information technology is defined as the study, design, development, implementation, support or management of computer- based information systems, particularly software applications and computer hardware. IT deals with the use of electronic computers and computer software to convert, store, transmit, process, protect and securely retrieve information. APPROACHES TO INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY INFRASTRUCTURE INVESTMENT 1.Fundamental Approach: The basic tenets of the fundamental approach, which is perhaps most commonly advocated by investment professionals, are as follows: There is an intrinsic value of a security and this depends upon underlying economic (fundamental) factors. The intrinsic value can be established by a penetrating analysis of the fundamental factors relating to the company, industry, and economy. At any given point of time, there are some securities for which the prevailing market price would differ from the intrinsic value.Sooner or later, of course, the market price would fall in line with the intrinsic value. ? ? ? Superior returns can be earned by buying under-valued securities (securities whose intrinsic value exceeds the market price) and selling over-valued securities (securities whose intrinsic value is less than the market price). APPROACHES TO INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY INFRASTRUCTURE INVESTMENT (continued) 2. Psychological Approach: The psychological approach is based on the premise that stock prices are guided by emotion, rather than reason.Stock prices are believed to be influenced by the psychological mood of the investors. When greed and euphoria sweep the market, prices rise to dizzy heights. On the other hand, when fear and despair envelop the market, prices fall to abysmally low levels. Since psychic values appear to be more important than intrinsic values, the psychological approach suggests t hat it is more profitable to analyse how investors tend to behave as the market is swept by waves of optimism and pessimism which seem to alternate. The psychological approach has been described vividly as the ‘castles-in-air’ theory by Burton G.Malkiel. Those who subscribe to the psychological approach or the ‘castles-in-the-air’ theory generally use some form of technical analysis which is concerned with a study of internal market data, with a view to developing trading rules aimed at profit-making. The basic premise of technical analysis is that there are certain persistent and recurring patterns of price movements, which can be discerned by analysing market data. Technical analysts use a variety of tools like bar chart, point and figure chart, moving average analysis, breadth of market analysis, etc.APPROACHES TO INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY INFRASTRUCTURE INVESTMENT (continued) 3. Academic Approach: Over the last five decades or so, the academic community ha s studied various aspects of the capital market, particularly in the advanced countries, with the help of fairly sophisticated methods of investigation. While there are many unresolved issues and controversies stemming from studies pointing in different directions, there appears to be substantial support for the following tenets. Stock markets are reasonably efficient in reacting quickly and rationally to the flow of information.Hence, stock prices reflect intrinsic value fairly well. Put differently: Market price = Intrinsic value Stock price behaviour corresponds to a random walk. This means that successive price changes are independent. As a result, past price behaviour cannot be used to predict future price behaviour. In the capital market, there is a positive relationship between risk and return. More specifically, the expected return from a security is linearly related to its systematic risk. Stock price behaviour corresponds to a random walk. This means that successive price changes are independent.As a result, past price behaviour cannot be used to predict future price behaviour. In the capital market, there is a positive relationship between risk and return. More specifically, the expected return from a security is linearly related to its systematic risk APPROACHES TO INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY INFRASTRUCTURE INVESTMENT (continued) 4. ? Eclectic Approach: The eclectic approach draws on all the three different approaches discussed above. The basic premises of the eclectic approach are as follows: Fundamental analysis is helpful in establishing basic standards and benchmarks.However, since there are uncertainties associated with fundamental analysis, exclusive reliance on fundamental analysis should be avoided. Equally important, excessive refinement and complexity in fundamental analysis must be viewed with caution. ? Technical analysis is useful in broadly gauging the prevailing mood of investors and the relative strengths of supply and demand forces. How ever, since the mood of investors can vary unpredictably excessive reliance on technical indicators can be hazardous.More important, complicated technical systems should ordinarily be regarded as suspect because they often represent figments of imagination rather than tools of proven usefulness. The market is neither as well ordered as the academic approach suggests, nor as speculative as the psychological approach indicates. While it is characterised by some inefficiencies and imperfections, it seems to react reasonably efficiently and rationally to the flow of information. Likewise, despite many instances of mispriced securities, there appears to be a fairly strong correlation between risk and return. ? THANK YOU!!!

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Sketches by Boz – Charles Dickens

Sketches by Boz â€Å"The Streets – Morning† The Victorian London streets is a familiar setting of Dicken's works with â€Å"Oliver Twist† and â€Å"A Christmas Carol† being some his most memorable works. In this passage Dickens offers the reader an alternative London, one without the energetic crowds but instead a much more disquieting place where the streets are dull and lifeless. We are met with a silent neighbourhood before the sun has risen and through the use of characters, setting and comparisons the reader receives a rich picture of the sunless streets.The passage begins with the introduction of the Victorian London scene on a summer morning. The reader is taken by surprise by the opening sentence where â€Å"The streets of London on a summer's morning† are described to be â€Å"most striking†. Dickens' interesting choice of words places the pre-dawn London scene in the summer, a time of warmth and sun, however we are offered a ninete enth century London that is typically portrayed with a bleak, grey backdrop.Few people roam this neighbourhood apart from those â€Å"whose unfortunate pursuits of pleasure, or scarcely less unfortunate pursuits of business, cause them to be well acquainted with the scene. † This leads to the belief that each summer's morning starts off like this, colourless and melancholy; the people who happen to be awake at this dreary hour are the rogues who remain. Each just as depressed as the other, and both's search for something more than the blind acceptance of a morose existence the cause of their endurance of this sad atmosphere.It is quiet with â€Å"an air of cold solitary, desolation about the noiseless streets† and the buildings are â€Å"quiet† and â€Å"closely-shut†. It is empty and through the buildings it is shown how lifeless the location is with everything closed off from the outside world, preventing any chance of exposure to the dismal air. Throug hout the day the roads are â€Å"swarming with life and bustle† the comparison of their appearance early in the morning is â€Å"very impressive†.The impression that they leave is one of sadness, something that one who has observed the area at each time will remember due to the vast differences. Dickens shows that this time of day is for the most unruly of people with the impoverished clearing out of the neighbourhood and â€Å"the more sober and orderly part of the population† not yet awakened. Emphasis is put on how miserable the roads are at predawn to the point they are practically uninhabitable, except by those with nowhere else to go.Dickens draws attention to the places where there would typically be masses of people; â€Å"The coach-stands in the larger thoroughfares are deserted; the night-houses are closed; and the chosen promenades of profligate misery are empty. † This creates an image of ghostlike platforms and buildings, usually brimming wit h life and movement during the day, now empty with even the degenerates tucked away. Despite the forbidding, dead mood that permeates throughout the area, the weather is still warm and humid; â€Å"a partially opened bedroom-window here and there, bespeaks the heat of the weather†.Through the hot weather, the atmosphere becomes tense and heavy, and with this tension there is â€Å"sickness† and the â€Å"uneasy† which contributes a feeling of claustrophobia to the passage, making the reader feel the discomfort of the scene. The Victorian London presented to the reader by Dickens is a grim and deserted place where few dare to walk the streets. The rich description of the scene places great emphasis on the lack on habitation and the grey city, and the depression within it before the sun rises.Dickens' use of language in this piece is memorable for his emphasis on several words and phrases, his literary techniques convey the dreariness of the passage and the street scene. The oxymoron of the words â€Å"unfortunate† and â€Å"pleasure† indicates the futility of trying to find happiness on a predawn London street through with the pursuit of pleasure still unpromising. Tautology places extra stress on words with the same meaning such as â€Å"cold, solitary, desolation† conveying to the reader the lonely frigidity of this area of London before sunrise.The awkward juxtaposition at the end of the first paragraph signifies the unease of one in the streets; â€Å"and over the quiet, closely-shut buildings, which throughout the day are swarming with life and bustle, that is very impressive†. With the unusual order of words the reader feels the discomfort that is present in the neighbourhood at this unpleasant time. A play on words with the drunken man who â€Å"staggers heavily along† with â€Å"the burden of the drinking song. † This can translate to the heavy burden of being drunk and having to find one's way home in such state. Dickens' clever phraseology is highly ffective, managing to send the message to the reader with out being too overt, allowing for the text to flow. Alliteration is ever present in the narrative with â€Å"the drunken, the dissipated and the wretched have disappeared† serving as a notable example. The harsh â€Å"D† sounds gives way to the austerity of the streets and slows down the reading of the sentence. Through the placement of â€Å"wretched† in between â€Å"drunken†, â€Å"dissipated† and â€Å"disappeared† focus falls on wretched, thus becoming the strongest word in the sentence to describe the usual patrons within this neighbourhood.Sibilance in the sentence â€Å"the stillness of death is over the streets† evokes the sensation of the silence in the London scene, with the central word â€Å"death† giving it an air of eeriness. The overall colour of the passage is sunless. It begins at predawn bef ore the sun has risen, creating imagery of darkness and changes very little as it progresses eventually leading to the â€Å"grey, sombre light of daybreak† and death is gives it's shade to the streets with â€Å"it's very hue† imparted to them.The colourlessness of the extract links back to the mood of the time, and it's solemn tone with the typical image of nineteenth century London easily visualised. Dickens' style and techniques build up the depression and add discomfort through repetition and the use of sounds and sentence structures, these subtle additions manage to express the solitude on this particular London summer's morning. Recurring themes of loneliness, poverty and vapidity carry the tone of this piece, through these Dickens' communicates the melancholy and dejection faced an hour before sunrise.The loneliness of the streets is continuously referred to with mention of it's situation during the day where it is â€Å"thronged at other times by a busy, eage r, crowd†. By contrasting alternative times Dickens shows the differences between dawn and the day, this relates back to the torpor felt before the sun has risen. When introducing the drunk and the homeless man, they are referred to as â€Å"the last†. The finality of the statement shows that these men are the final remnants of life on the street and when they retire to their hollows then there shall be nothing left but the cold misery.Destitution is conveyed through the â€Å"drunken man† and the â€Å"houseless vagrant†; one who's sorrows has made him look for pleasure in â€Å"the drinking song† and the other whom â€Å"penury and police have left in the streets†. The consonance in â€Å"penury and police† uses the sharp â€Å"P† to place significance on the two things that the beggar would fear the most. There is a pang of sympathy felt for him having to coil â€Å"up his chilly limbs in some paved corner, to dream of food and warmth† and one pities him even more to be left in the dreadful neighbourhood only finding peace when the sun is about to rise.However it further adds to the scene as he has become a part of it. Pre-dawn's remaining occupants are compared with the â€Å"more sober and orderly part of the population† confirming that they are on the lower end of the population, unfit to be seen by the light of day. A lack of life is evident in the location that Dickens illustrates. The â€Å"occasional policeman† is the last man standing, yet he is â€Å"listlessly gazing on the deserted prospect before him† unable to muster up energy to do his duty as he has been so swamped by depression, with no expectations for the rest of the day. A rakish-looking cat runs stealthily across the road†, changing the setting adding a brief flash of excitement. The cat is lively and cunning, he has retained his sense even in this dismal place. When compared with the lethargic polic e man and the uncoordinated drunk his wile is impressive and full of life amongst the somber scene. â€Å"The houses of habitation† present â€Å"no signs of life† another contradiction with even the place where people are living are inanimate.All is silent on this sad poverty stricken street and Dickens makes use of these features to bring out the crippling depression. â€Å"The Streets – Morning† by Charles Dickens presents us with a bleak London scene before dawn overwhelmed with wretchedness and misery. The cold tone and bleak setting described provides the reader with the image of an unhappy place void of any hope for it's inhabitants. Through comparisons and contrast of the lively crowd of the day and the grave souls before the sunrise the reader feels the melancholy of the Victorian street. Ilyana Bell

Hooked on Credit Cards, Watson Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Hooked on Credit Cards, Watson - Essay Example e was evaluated in terms of requiring strict adherence to grammatical rules that include using formal sentence structures, observing consistency in use of pronouns, and proper citations. Using these comments, Watson improved his arguments by incorporating noted information and revising, as required. One has had several opportunities to write different essays as required from various academic courses. As such, one has also had the chance to improve initial drafts through the use of peers’ feedback, as well as that of the instructor. The revision process is an effective step that helps one in becoming a more focused communicator through addressing the comments noted as seen from another person’s perspectives. With the basic theoretical knowledge gained on effective creative writing techniques, the writer is not expected to comply with all the essential elements and ingredients in one sitting. As such, constructive criticisms that aim to enhance the literary work are taken as effective means for improvement. As emphasized in Fountainhead Press (2009), â€Å"when you embark on revising, you focus your attention on the global characteristics or larger issues of writing—content, organization, and style† (p. 7). As such, the noted weaknesses should appropri ately be addressed and any errors on conformity to content, organization, and writing style must be corrected to ensure that one achieves the goals in writing and likewise, the training could extend addressing needed improvements as applicable to life. Fountainhead Press. (2009). The Writing Process:Drafting, Revising, and Editing. Retrieved August 19, 2012, from

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Committee of women in history Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Committee of women in history - Essay Example This is an edited book, edited by Chaudhury and Boris, and is a collection of personal narratives by various former officials of Coordinating Council for Women in History. They have taken different routes to become women historians and had faced hard decisions of a family life, professional and of political activists in the earlier part of twentieth century. 20 women, who had been connected with this institution, Coordinating Committee of Women in History, came together to find many similar facts and interconnections in their lives. The social and cultural background of these historians had been totally different from one another, but the problems and difficulties they faced were almost identical and were threads of the same social fabric. The intention of the organization had been to encourage women to enter into the profession of historians and fight any kind of gender, social and cultural inequalities through political or social activities. This organization takes many steps to en sure that women are encouraged to become historians.These 20 historians, who have given autobiographical sketches, are the organizers and initiators of this organization, who had fought through discrimination and various battles in their private, professional and social lives.There are explanations how they launched into a career of professional historians. Most of the contributors are from middle class white society, but there are colored and working class women contributors too. These women pursued a career in a dogged way, breaking centuries of paradigm. They have a common ground other than their professional interest. They are hard working, noted and dedicated scholars. They have the strength and determination to rise above difficulties. They were persistent and braved all stormy weathers. They are slightly aggressive and show a healthy amount of pride and self-gratification. They are the intellectuals that any society would be proud of. They have struggled "to change the profession of history, to change historical scholarship, and to change the direction of our own history," (xiii). They had been working for social causes, women's liberations, and human rights, against racism, for peace etc. throughout, along with their professional careers. Determination to have a married life had its own implications on their intellectual lives. Some of them were raising their families while being dominated by men. The society as well as the profession were male dominated. The autobiographies offer throughout their narrative, many important details and reflective arguments about how they preserved their identities and dealt intelligently with many of them; how they continued playing their female roles of daughter, wife, mother, partner and the at the same time, continued their social role of political activists. Simultaneously, they also marched forward in their own chosen professional careers of teachers and researchers. They did not allow themselves to be marginalized or edged out of the race. They did not allow their creativity to dwindle in any way. They continued their resistance and fight throughout their working lives. The organization to which they belonged also gave them support and it remained their anchor through their struggle. There are diverse accounts about male dominated working places and organizations and the supporting role played by CCWH and other supporting institutions. It is more of a sisterly bonding, trying to understand each other's problems while going through more or less identical problems in life. Some of them talk about international cooperation they have received in the process. In a way these are the tales of triumph of emerging feminism in United States. Even though Western countries are far more advanced in gender equality, it is always not very easy to make much headway in an entirely male dominated society, not to mention profession. These voices are personal, political and professional and at the same time, feminine. The coherence they have achieved is praiseworthy. At

Monday, August 12, 2019

Why College Athletes Should Be Paid To Play Sports Research Paper

Why College Athletes Should Be Paid To Play Sports - Research Paper Example The NCAA is the body charged with the responsibility of governing every facet of college sports in the United States. Established in 1906, NCAA has evolved over the years in its activities which are to the best interest of student-athletes, member universities, and the general public. However, critics do not buy this as the body has been, lately, under the skeptic's attack concerning the standoff on paying college athletes. They ask the question to whose interest is NCAA working. Most writers on collegiate sports confirm that college athletes bring sizable revenue to their institutions. But what do they get in return? Woods, 65, reports that an athlete on full scholarship receives a four-year education that may be worth an upward of $50,000 per year on the higher side. This covers books, room, and tuition. It is true that Football and men’s’ basketball college athletes generate huge incomes to the tune of billions to the schools and NCAA, yet they receive stipends in th e form of scholarships.Unlike other students, college athletes are prohibited from engaging in part-time jobs that can earn them money as most of their time is spent preparing for the sport.This implies that student-athletes are disadvantaged in the financial arena for the time they can use to earn extra cash is utilized in the pitch. It is therefore proper that the athletes be paid beyond what they are paid in the form of scholarships, at least to cater for their miscellaneous expenses and an appreciation of their valuable talents.

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Effects of the Riots on the Families Research Paper

Effects of the Riots on the Families - Research Paper Example While many people feel that riots create physical damage to the society, some people confess to suffer psychologically many years after the incident. Sometimes street riots lead to physical injury or death (Ulin 756). Innocently walking pedestrian plunged into a rioting mob. This person has no idea what caused the riot, what the rioters demand or when will the rioting end. The pedestrian has to accept his situation by joining the mob or face lynch from them. On the other end, anti riot police would be chasing the rioting mob in the streets. It is unfortunate that the pedestrian found in the rioting mix would register a bullet wound from police who are resisting their move. The situation suddenly condemns the family of the pedestrian to doom. The breadwinner can no longer support the family because of his inability to perform tasks, which generated income to the family. The situation of that family moves from a bad condition to a worst condition because the pedestrian could not surviv e to help the family out of its difficulties. It is hard to believe sudden twist of events in ones life. A family might not believe the sudden lose of person they loved. Thinking about the last moment shared rekindles sweet memories in life and then bitter regrets about the events that led to death (Hillsbery 56). Family members of the pedestrians have to accept the ugly truth that they have lost the person they loved. Thinking too much about certain condition may lead to mental problems. Some people show attribute of withdrawal from societal activities because they feel that life cannot be that cruel. Several factors may instigate behavior change in a family. Different people respond differently to situations they face. A condition that led to death of a family member might influence other members positively or negatively. For instance, failure to accept death may make a family member to show repulsive characteristics to occurrences in the society. Street families face difficult si tuation during riots. A riot displaces street families from their normal activities (Smith 212). When a street riot occur no one know where to run to, or what items to save or leave. The state of confusion would culminate in lose of property or injury. Life is precious to every human being; however, some conditions make life meaningless. Losing a property that a person has struggled to acquire for many years is an experience that a person may not forget. Many people have confessed that they have failed to face such situations, which occur after a riot. They are unable to believe that their world had crumpled after a short duration. How does a person start building a business firm that he built for ten or fifteen years? The thought of starting from grass is difficult to comprehend and it might remain to haunt an individual for the better part of his life. Sometimes police quelling riots succeed in arresting rioting individuals. The sentences preferred against that individual would in fluence the family of this individual because the family will have to accept that the individual is no longer a good person but a criminal. Families break because partners in those families have failed to yield to a common interest. It is difficult to admit that a trusted partner is among hooligans in the streets. Some people find it hard to accept rejection associated with humiliating effects of riots and end up committing